
Patrice Murciano Paintings: Delightful “New Pop” Acrylic Series

Patrice Murciano

Patrice Murciano

Patrice Murciano is a visual artist who was born May 27, 1969 in Belfort, but he grew up in the south of France.

He discovered passion to art at an early age. Patrice started with reproducing characters from comics when he was 6 years old. At age of 8, he borrowed his mother’s makeup to draw portraits and female nudes. Patrice was fascinated by the great masters and he reproduced the masterpieces of Velásquez and Rembrandt on oil canvas boards.

His parents quickly understood that he had a great talent and wanted Patrice to enter the fine-art school. But close friends of the family, art connoisseurs, as well as his art teacher worried that the talent of Patrice would be “affected” by a normal course at art school. His parents, whose activities were far from art, let Patrice to express his imagination on the canvas as he saw it. Thus it helped him to develop his unique artistic style.

Now Patrice is 43 years old and he still lives in the south of France, even if his regular exhibitions are held in New York, Osaka, Los Angeles, etc. It was a great pleasure for us to take an interview with Patrice Murciano and learn some interesting facts of his biography. We wish you a pleasant reading and viewing of Patrice Murciano paintings.

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Bella Ragazza, Mixt on canvas, 100×100 cm

AP: Patrice, thank you very much for finding the time to give us an interview. It’s a great honor for us to see you here. So let’s get started. Do you have a formal education in figurative art or were you self-taught?

Patrice: I am entirely self-taught in art (painting, sculpture, photography, film). I learned all this through passion over time. I continue to learn every day; I try new techniques, new portraits or nudes. I have long list of painted celebrities. Today I would rather paint portraits: faces that inspire me, children, adults, the elderly; I am first and foremost portraitist.

AP: Great that people inspire you to create more! What genre are your paintings?

Patrice: I like many styles of art, besides, I consider myself as not as an artist, but as an art-researcher, as I experience new things, new gestures. I call my workshops “laboratory of artistic experiences”.

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Sensual Lips, Acrylic on canvas, 100×100 cm

AP: How would you describe your paintings?

Patrice: Each piece is unique as long as it is the fruit of our imagination. It can be a photo, a song, a dream, a poem or just passing by people on the street. For me everything is a source of inspiration.

AP: What kind of equipment and techniques do you use to create your works?

Patrice: I like to mix techniques in my 2012 series “New Pop.” I use inks, watercolor and acrylic paint. First I project an image onto a canvas with a projector, then I draw with a pencil, then I paint in black and white acrylic colors.  And after that I finish black lines with acrylic pen.

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Patrice Murciano in working process (© Lucie Murciano)

AP: This is a very interesting technique. Who are the artists that you use for references?

Patrice: I am inspired by many artists: Jackson Pollock, Jean-Michel Basquiat, a young graphic artist Russ Mills, but I also love everything related to graffiti and street art.

AP: Do you have a dream project? What is it?

Patrice: My only dream is to make a feature film. The script is already written. It will happen one day!

AP: We wish your dream to definitely come true. What is the formula for success in your activity?

Patrice: Actually, there is no magic formula. I work a lot on my works and I thank Facebook because it is one of the best ways to publicize my work. I also exhibit my art at many various places, galleries, restaurant etc. I do not like the competition because for me art is not a competition; I hate Oscar nomination for the film, for example.

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Rasta Child, Mixt on canvas, 100×81 cm

AP: Is there someone who supports you in your creativity?

Patrice: I have a friend and patron from whom I get help and support and many art-loving friends with whom I share my ideas with pleasure.

AP: Tell us three lessons that you think are very important for all artists?


  • Work
  • Patience
  • Humility

Patrice, thank you very much for giving us an interview and sharing a piece of your interesting biography. We wish you continued inspiration, brilliant ideas and great success. To learn more about Patrice Murciano paintings and his latest New Pop series, feel free to visit his personal website.

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Extase, Mixt on canvas, 100×100 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

David Bowie, Mixt on canvas, 100×81 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Fashion, Mixt on canvas, 100×100 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

iPop, Mixt on canvas , 100×100 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Chupa Kiss, Mixt on canvas, 116×89 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Full Moon, Mixt on canvas, 100×81 cm

Patrice Murciano Paintings

Sex Is Good, Mixt on canvas, 100×100 cm

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Patrice Murciano Paintings: Delightful “New Pop” Acrylic Series. (). Astrum People website. Retrieved September 20, 2024, from

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"Patrice Murciano Paintings: Delightful “New Pop” Acrylic Series." Astrum People, (). Web. September 20, 2024 .

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